The purpose of the web page is to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous by providing a resource on the internet where alcoholics can get information about Alcoholics Anonymous and the Denver Central Committee of Alcoholics Anonymous.
The following guidelines were developed to help assure that our web page adheres to the principles of the 12 traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.
- In keeping with our 2nd tradition, all content and the links on the page will be approved by the group conscience.
- In keeping with our 5th and 10th traditions, the page will only contain material and links which discuss and explain the program of alcoholics anonymous as it is defined in the Big Book and other Alcoholics Anonymous and A.A. Grapevine literature. The page will not contain material or links to other pages that may be considered controversial (religious, political, sexual, etc.).
- In keeping with our 7th tradition, the central committee will be responsible for paying any fees which might be associated with acquiring and maintaining an internet account and e-mail address to support the web page.
- In keeping with our 11th and 12th traditions, the page will not contain pictures of members of Alcoholics Anonymous. Any contact names provided on the page will contain the contact’s first name and last initial. Any e-mail addresses displayed on the page will not disclose the contact’s last name.
- In keeping with our 4th and 6th traditions, it is our objective to cooperate with, but not affiliate with, other related entities and groups.
- In keeping with our 12th and 5th tradition, it will be the responsibility of the central committee to respond to questions and e-mail generated by the page if and when an e-mail address for comments and questions is provided on the web page.
- All quotes from conference approved literature shall be attributed to AA World Services, Inc. or The Grapevine, Inc. as discussed in the AA Service Manual (p s104). This will help protect AA copyrights.
For more information about web pages go to the A.A. General Service Office website at: