Meeting Information
- Online
- Babysitting Available
- Newcomer
- Open
- Wheelchair Access
Open meetings are available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous’ program of recovery from alcoholism. Nonalcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.
COVID-19 Update: This meeting is now online - see https://boulderalanoclub.org/information-about-online-meetings/ for meeting access information
1st Step Meeting focusing on the newcomer. Chair shares their experience on the 1st Step, then opens the meeting to people early in sobriety.
Online Meeting
Join with Zoom -
Eye Openers
**One weekday meeting a month is lead by the Grapevine Representative for the group, focusing on a topic put forth from the Grapevine Magazine which is an “AA Meeting in Print”
- Updated February 5, 2021
Boulder Alano Club
42 other meetings at this location
4800 Baseline Rd B-102
Boulder, CO 80303
In Safeway Shopping Center, next to Big Daddy's Bagels.
IMPORTANT: If the Zoom link does not work for any Online meeting ran through the Alano Club, use their meeting schedule here: https://boulderalanoclub.org/information-about-online-meetings/ to get the most updated one!